Create Online Event


See how your name appears on the event page and a list of all places where your event name will be used. Learn more

Choosing relevant categories helps to improve the discoverability of your event. Learn more

Tell your attendees when your event starts so they can get ready to attend.

Upload colorful and vibrant images as the banner for your event! See how beautiful images help your event details page. Learn more

Write a few words below to describe your event and provide any extra information such as schedules, itinerary or any special instructions required to attend your event.

Choosing the type of your event helps us to create a more tailored experience for you. Learn more

Standard Webinar
Training and Workshop
Online Classes
Talk Show


Change the following settings based on your preferences to customise your event accordingly.

Disable this option if you want to start your booking from a specific date and time.

Disable this option if you want to end your booking from a specific date and time.

Passing your service charge means your attendees will pay your service charge in addition to the ticket price. Learn more

Disable this slider if you want to let your customers cancel their order and select a refund policy.

Use this space to provide any last minute checklists your attendees must know in order to attend your event. Anything you provide here will be printed on your ticket.

Use relevant words as your tags to improve the discoverability of your event. Learn more